Speech Therapy activities
Activities to improve pre-linguistic skills
- Sing rhymes with simple gestures
- place toys and picture books on eye level
- identify and point at items in picture books
- Pee -a- boo
- Play fun games
- Use cause and effect toys to play
- Listen to sounds and imitate with actions.
- Read stories
- Play interactive games.
Activities to improve social communication skills:
- Role- play
- Turn taking games
- Facial expressions
- Puppets
- Encourage the child to greet others.
- Use Social stories to teach how to behave.
- Enact a story to improve turn taking, waiting and answering.
- Picture narration in a group.
Activities to improve receptive skills:
- Engage the child in different types of play such as functional play, relational play, self- directed play, pretend play and symbolic play.
- Follow simple commands.
- Identification of objects and pictures in books, photographs, in play by pointing.
- Identify and enact actions.
- Use turn taking games to teach pronouns.
- Develop special concept by keeping an object in different places on a command.
- Develop quantity concept by choosing/ identifying objects from a group of objects.
- Story sequencing by arranging cards.
Activities to improve expressive skills:
- Name items from a book, background and in play.
- Label objects by function, features and class.
- Answer questions logically when a situation is given.
- Formulate meaningful, grammatically correct questions in responds to picture stimuli.
- Responds to questions by giving reason.
- Repeat sentences.
- Retell a story with introduction, sequenced events and logical conclusion.
- Formulate sentences about objects.
- Use verities of nouns, verbs, modifiers, pronouns and concepts in spontaneous speech in a group activity.
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